COVID-19 Updates

Avalanche Return to Hockey

Hello NSFIHA Avalanche Families and Players:

On behalf of the Board, we would like to thank you all for your patience and support while we have been working diligently behind the scenes to prepare a safe plan to return to hockey this season. There have been many moving parts that needed to come together to make this final plan happen with ongoing coordination with Hockey Canada, BC Hockey, ViaSport, PCAHA and municipal facilities.

In order to stay on top of all the return to sport information and new developments for minor hockey, our Board also continues to network with PCAHA and other local minor hockey associations to proactively develop and review plans get our players back on the ice in the safest way possible for all.

Our Avalanche Return to Hockey Plan is now completed and available here and posted below for your review. Please be aware that this plan will no doubt change with ongoing updates from relevant sports, health and government authorities.

Below you will find quick links to season updates about the return to hockey, COVD-19 resources and other important  communications from Hockey Canada, ViaSport and BC Hockey. You can also find season updates and announcements posted on our AVALANCHE NEWS page here.

If you have any questions as this process unfolds, please feel free to reach out to me as the lead Communication Officer for the Return to Hockey.

Andrew Smyth
NSFIHA President