Team Managers

Team Manager Overview

Team Managers are essential to the success of the hockey season. They provide the foundation for team organization, communications and support for players, coaches, volunteers, parents and the association. They are the glue that holds it all together! 

To support Team Managers with this important role, the NSFIHA provides an organization-wide subscription to TeamSnap so that Managers have a tool to coordinate all team communications, schedules and responsibilities with players and parents. TeamSnap is also provides the hub we use for registration and other association services. All parents can download the TeamSnap App or use it as an online web-based service.

The Team Manager is responsible for coordinating or overseeing the duties listed below. This list is a general overview and is not listed in any order of importance. While many jobs listed can be delegated to other parents and volunteers, it is the responsibility of the Team Manager to make sure these duties are looked after:

  1. Communicating of the team schedule through TeamSnap.
  2. Coordinating exhibition games, tournaments, extra practices, team socials, association fundraisers and other activities with the support of Head Coach.
  3. Obtaining necessary team gear, equipment and supplies.
  4. Coordinating practice and game jersey distribution, care and return; or appointing a volunteer to manage this role.
  5. Developing an operating budget and presenting it to the team; or appointing a team treasurer to manage this role.
  6. Coordinating team finances with Treasurer if appointed.
  7. Coordinating important dressing room supervision ("Den Moms"); or appointing a volunteer to manage this role.
  8. Securing and paying officials for all home games; or appointing a volunteer to manage this role.
  9. Communicating with opposing team managers in regards to games.
  10. Coordinating game sheets and distributing to appropriate parties; or appointing a volunteer to manage this role.
  11. Working with the team to assign/divide up managerial roles and responsibilities including designating a Hockey Canada Safety Person(s) (HCSP), Treasurer, Scorekeeping and Clock, Dressing Room Supervision ("Den Moms"), Fundraising, Team Jerseys, Team Socials, Tournaments and more!

Team Manager Courses / Certifications


All team officials are required to have the basic level of courses/certifications and must complete the Code of Conduct in order to be eligible to act as a coach, team manager or HCSP. The following is required prior to the start of the season:

  1. Criminal Record Check
  2. Respect in Sport
  3. Concussion Awareness Training Tool (CATT)
  4. Fair Play Code of Conduct
  5. New Mandatory Return to Hockey COVID-19 Safety Course

Once completed, the courses will appear in each person's Hockey Canada portfolio and can be accessed by the Association to verify. For any questions regarding these elements, please speak to your Division Coordinator.

Important Resources / Forms / Links