New Referees
Starting at age 12 and older, Avalanche girls are encouraged to consider becoming on-ice hockey referees. It’s a great way to gain a better understanding of the game while earning some pocket money. NSFIHA assign all referees to all home games PeeWee and below and pay according to the PCAHA guidelines. Most games are a two official system. See an online copy of the rule book on PCAHA’s website.
The Hockey Canada Officiating Program (HCOP) is completed in two parts. Part A is an online course and Part B is an in-person clinic. Click here to register for Hockey University Officiating 1/2. This is the Part A online course that must be completed prior to registering for the Part B clinic. Refereeing clinics are listed on the PCAHA web site. For more details please go to PCAHA Web site.
Additionally, the Avalanche will run on-ice training for new officials to ensure that they are set up for success once they are on the ice.
The NSFIHA Referee-In-Chief is responsible for recruiting, managing and training both new and returning officials. If you or your daughter is interested in becoming a referee, please email our Referee-In-Chief at and she will provide specific directions on obtaining certification.
Returning Referees
Returning referees should contact our Referee-In-Chief at to ensure she is aware that you are interested in returning this year. As you should know, you will need to be "recertified". The links for some certification clinics are now posted on the BC Hockey Clinics website and you should check back regularly because new sessions are added through the first two months of the year. All returning officials must attend one of these clinics. If you are over 16, you can register for Level 2 certification. You must be certified each year through BC Hockey to officiate with North Shore Avalanche Hockey.
The BC Hockey site should answer any additional course questions you have. Remember certification is the responsibility of BC Hockey and if you have any questions/concerns about the courses themselves, you should contact BC Hockey directly.